DCCCA Traffic Safety has provided education and resources to communities for over 20 years. Our Kansas programming is a partnership with the Kansas Department of Transportation for the KTSRO (Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office) contract. We provide public information and education to protect citizens from avoidable injury or death on roadways with a focus on:
- Occupant Protection
- Impaired Driving
- Novice Drivers
- Distracted Driving
- Older Drivers
- Motorcycle Safety
- Underage Drinking
The SAFE (Seatbelts Are For Everyone) program is a DCCCA initiative developed in 2008 focused on increasing teen restraint compliance through education, positive rewards and enforcement. This teen run, peer-to-peer program is designed to reduce the number of motor vehicle-related injuries and fatalities among teens. For more than a decade the SAFE program has been a part of KTSRO. In 2014, the program was added in Oklahoma, in 2016 we brought the program to Missouri, and SAFE expanded to Iowa in 2021.